
My mom’s parents have a Swedish heritage; my dad’s parents, Dutch. Dala horses, Swedish meatballs, wooden shoes and windmills! They have taught me about their lives, childhoods, experiences, art, music, politics, cooking, well—everything!

I am a “people person”, see the humor in life, and enjoy the journey.

I have always had fun with sharing vignettes from my life, usually on social media. I am surrounded by an abundance of love and grounded in our stories of family, fun and faith. It would be great to hear yours.


I am a retired doctor with a boatload of life experiences. As an Internal Medicine specialist, I have interviewed hundreds of patients, mostly older folks. I love their stories; I respect their knowledge and wisdom; I care about their legacies. I am grateful for the digital archive of my grandfather’s life, recorded 30 years ago, in his voice, so that I and my kids—and their kids—can inherit family belonging, purpose, identity, and direction.

It’s an honor and privilege to be invited into someone’s story.